"In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe." | |
Carl Sagan, Cosmos |
This chapter is an incoherent collection of platform independent items that found no other place.
Used at objdump -d[ABC].
Note that the strings ${TEVWH_ASM_COMMENT} and ${TEVWH_ASM_RETURN} are substituted by a sed script. perl never sees the "${". See Variables and packages[ABC] for details and actual values.
TEVWH_ASM_RETURN is a regular expression in perl syntax. Unfortunately plain sed on FreeBSD 4.7 has no "\|" or anything equivalent while option -E switches to modern regular expressions with incompatible syntax. The matter is further complicated by branch delay slots. On Sparc the instruction following a ret is executed while the jump is under way. A typical instruction to put there is restore. But triggering on that is not a clean solution.
Source: src/magic_elf/objdump_format.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -sw
# Perl 5.005_03 (part of FreeBSD 4.7) does not have [:xdigit:]
$::start_address='[0-9a-fA-F]+' if (!defined($::start_address));
# skip to start address
my $log = '';
if (!($_ = <>)) { print $log; exit 0; }
last if m/^\s*$::start_address:/;
$log .= $_;
my $comment = s/\s+(${TEVWH_ASM_COMMENT})\s*(.*)// ? "$1 $2" : '';
my ( $addr, $hexdump, $asm ) = split(/ *\t/);
last if (!defined($asm)); # also catches the "..."-lines
my $line = sprintf("%-11s %-19s ", $addr, $hexdump);
$asm = sprintf('%-7s %s', $1, $2) if ($asm =~ m/^(\S+)\s+(.*)/);
$line = sprintf("%-11s %-19s %s", $addr, $hexdump, $asm);
$line = sprintf("%-s59 %s", $line, $comment) if (length($comment) > 0);
print $line . "\n";
last if ($asm =~ m/\b${TEVWH_ASM_RETURN}\b/);
last if (!($_ = <>));
} |
Used at GDB to the rescue[ABC] and The entry point[ABC].
Source: src/magic_elf/gdb_format.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -nw
if (m/([^:]+):\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/)
# %-30s to cover "0x804c1c0 <__libc_write+32>:"
printf "%-30s%-13s ", $1 . ':', $2;
my $opcode = $2;
my $rest = $3;
if ($rest =~ s/\s+${TEVWH_ASM_COMMENT}\s*(.*)//)
{ printf "%-20s${TEVWH_ASM_COMMENT} %s\n", $rest, $1; }
{ print $rest . "\n"; }
exit(0) if ($opcode =~ m/${TEVWH_ASM_RETURN}/);
} |
Output is at Offset of e_entry[ABC]. Variables prefixed with TEVWH_[ABC] might also be interesting.
Source: src/evil_magic/ofs_entry.c
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include <config.h>
/* necessary to dereference TEVWH_ELF_xxx */
#define QUOTE(n) #n
#define SIZEOF_TYPE(type) \
printf("sizeof_" QUOTE(type) "=%lu\n", (unsigned long)sizeof(type))
#define OFFSETOF(struct, member) \
printf("offset_" QUOTE(member) "=%lu\n", \
(unsigned long)offsetof(struct, member))
#define SIZEOF_MEMBER(struct, member) \
printf("sizeof_" QUOTE(member) "=%lu\n", \
(unsigned long)sizeof(((struct*)0)->e_entry))
int main()
return 0;
} |
Described at Extracting e_entry[ABC], used at The entry point[ABC].
Source: src/evil_magic/e_entry.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include <config.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
const char* p;
while(0 != (p = *++argv))
int fd = open(p, O_RDONLY);
if (fd != -1 && sizeof(ehdr) == read(fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)))
{ /* print both entry point and offset */
/* lower case is required to match with objdump's disassembly */
printf("%lx %lu\n", ehdr.e_entry, ehdr.e_entry - TEVWH_ELF_BASE);
return 0;
} |
Used at Devil in disguise[ABC] to convert binary files into valid C code, i.e. the definition of a byte array. This started as small filter written in perl, but now it has a lot of features. We need to process the output of both ndisasm and objdump, on multiple platforms. Examples for valid input (i386, sparc, alpha):
08048080 6A04 push byte +0x4
10074: 82 10 20 04 mov 4, %g1
1200000b0: 02 00 bb 27 ldah gp,2(t12) |
The __attribute__ clause is explained in A section called .text[ABC].
Initializing the array with string literals (looking like \xDE\xAD\xBE\xEF) is easier. The terminating zero would not work with Doing it in C[ABC], however. But then using a list of hexadecimal numbers introduces separating comas, requiring special treatment of the last line.
If command line option -last_line_is_ofs is passed to the program then the last line of disassembly is meant to specify a offset into the code. Actually it's just the last byte of that line. You are free to use any dummy operation, see the example input above. A real world example is at Infection #1[ABC]. The last instruction itself is not emitted to the byte array. Instead enum constant ENTRY_POINT_OFS is defined.
Source: src/platform/disasm.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -sw
use strict;
my $LINE = " %-30s /* %-32s */\n";
$::identifier = 'main' if (!defined($::identifier));
$::size = '' if (!defined($::size));
$::align = '8' if (!defined($::align));
$::section = '.text' if (!defined($::section));
printf "const unsigned char %s[%s]\n", $::identifier, $::size;
print "__attribute__ (( aligned($::align), section(\"$::section\") )) =\n";
print "{\n";
my $code_size = 0;
my @line;
s/^\s+//; # trim leading white space
s/\s+$//; # trim trailing white space
s/\s+[!;].*//; # trim trailing comments
my $addr = (split(/[:\s]+/))[0];
my @code = split(/\s\s+/);
my $code = $code[0];
$code =~ s/\s//g; # make objdump look like ndisasm
$code_size += length($code) / 2;
my $dump = '0x' . substr($code, 0, 2);
for(my $i = 2; $i < length($code); $i += 2)
$dump .= ',0x' . substr($code, $i, 2);
push @line, [ $addr . ': ' . join(' ', @code[1..$#code]), $code, $dump ]
my $nr = 0;
my $max = $#line;
$max -= 1 if (defined($::last_line_is_ofs));
while($nr < $max)
printf $LINE, $line[$nr][2] . ',', $line[$nr][0];
printf $LINE, $line[$nr][2], $line[$nr][0];
printf "}; /* %d bytes (%#x) */\n", $code_size, $code_size;
if (defined($::last_line_is_ofs))
my $ofs = substr($line[$nr + 1][1], -2, 2);
printf "enum { ENTRY_POINT_OFS = 0x%x };\n", hex($ofs);
} |
This is the platform independent part of Self modifying code[ABC].
Source: src/evil_magic/self_modify.c
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "func.inc"
typedef void (*PfnVoid)(void);
#define MEMCPY_TEST(where) \
memcpy(in_##where, in_code, sizeof(in_code)); \
test(#where, (PfnVoid)in_##where)
static jmp_buf env;
static int received_sigill = 0;
static void on_sigill(int sig)
printf(" on_sigill=%d ", sig);
received_sigill = 1;
longjmp(env, 1);
static void test(const char* name, PfnVoid code)
printf("%8p is %s ... ", code, name);
received_sigill = 0;
if (0 == setjmp(env))
signal(SIGILL, on_sigill);
printf(" sigill=%d\n", received_sigill);
static char in_data[sizeof(in_code)];
int main()
char* in_heap = malloc(sizeof(in_code));
char in_stack[sizeof(in_code)];
test("code", (PfnVoid)in_code);
return 0;
} |